
Sari is passionate about working with donors and the impact that can be achieved through grant making. She also pursues the application of business practices to the nonprofit sector as potential for organizational development. Sari earned her BSW from the University of Texas at Austin, her MSW from the University of Maryland and holds a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the Center for Nonprofit Management in Dallas.
Sari is a graduate of the 2018 Council on Foundations Career Pathways program and the 2015 Leadership Montgomery Core program. She was a board member from 2015-23 at Sunflower Bakery, which provides job training and employment for adults with learning differences. She is also the founder of T’micha, a giving circle, and has served as a giving circle coach for Amplifier Giving. She is annual reviewer for Spur Local.
When not doing meaningful work at the Community Foundation, Sari can be found spending time with her husband, three adult kids, and dog Luna. Fun fact – Sari’s first fundraising experience resulted in her winning an all-expense paid trip to Disneyworld for raising the most money for a bike-a-thon that benefitted the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which is an organization that is near and dear to her heart.