A report on the population 65 and older in our region
The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia is pleased to present "A Portrait of our Aging Population in Northern Virginia," a report on the population 65 and older in the Northern Virginia region. This report highlights demographic, economic, and social trends that impact older adults in the region. It uses current data and population projections to identify current needs and to plan for future needs of this population, expected to grow by 76% in the next twenty years.Executive Summary Full Report Appendix

As the report demonstrates, the Northern Virginia population of adults 65 and older is generally younger, healthier and wealthier than in other parts of the country, and can therefore serve as a tremendous resource for the region. However, in the next ten to twenty years the older population is expected to grow at significantly higher rates that the national average. Because of the high cost of housing in the region, there are a significant number of older residents that are economically insecure, and are therefore experiencing poverty, are under-insured, and are relying more and more on in-home care. There is a clear need to support seniors aging in place.
We hope that this report will inform and inspire you and help grow philanthropic and public investments to meet the needs of our aging neighbors. We also hope that you will use this report as a resource and share it with others who may be interested.