In 2019, worker mental health represented a salient but relatively uncommon issue for Northern Virginia employers: approximately 11 percent of working adults were experiencing mild anxiety or depression, and 7 percent fell into a clinical range.
During the pandemic, these rates spiked, and have remained high. As of May 2023, over half of the workforce was experiencing some level of anxiety or depression, and a quarter were in the clinical range— requiring some level of treatment or intervention. This research estimates that since 2020, Northern Virginia has lost $8 billion each year in unrealized economic output due to the impaired mental health of its workforce: a quadrupling of losses seen prior to the pandemic.
To date, the economic impact of this phenomenon was implicitly understood but unmeasured. Through a partnership between the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia and the George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis, researchers teamed up to develop a novel method to estimate the impact of worker mental health on productivity and gross regional product. We now know that the Commonwealth of Virginia lost $22 billion in potential gross state product in 2022.
On October 12, 2023, the Community Foundation presented the findings with GMU in a hybrid presentation. You can access the powerpoint shared here. The text chat from the zoom room is available here. Lastly, the recording of the presentation is below.
The Economic Impact of Mental Health in Northern Virginia
September 11, 2023